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all things SAP Business One

The Biz.ONE Conference is just around the corner and N’ware is proud to be participating in the success of this exciting event as a Gold Sponsor!

We look forward to this opportunity to connect with the SAP Business One community and share with SAP clients and partners LISA WMS’s latest and upcoming innovations. Moreover, we will be showcasing our latest add-on PDC-One, which is gaining traction among manufacturing clients looking for a simple solution to leverage SAP Business One manufacturing capabilities. Clients continue to use SAP Business One Production Module, PDC-One only lays on top to provide tracking and automation.

Take a 2-minute tour of PDC-One, Our Real-Time Production Orders Tracking Add-On for SAP Business One!

Mark your calendar: Tuesday, October 23, 2:35 – Partner Track 5

This year, we are particularly excited about our Partner Track session: What you need to know about warehouse optimization: Equipment, Concepts & Technology. It is an educational workshop hosted by LISA’s team of experts and designed to help businesses identify improvement opportunities hiding in the corners of their supply chain and understand the concepts of optimizing a warehouse ecosystem. Learn more about our Partner Track session here.

Come meet LISA!

Our team of experts will be waiting for you at booth #41. They will be more than happy to discuss your particular business challenges, LISA WMS’ newest features, and our latest innovation: PDC-One. Schedule an appointment today!!

See you in Orlando!

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