The control provided by LISA WMS is priceless. LISA WMS ensures full inventory visibility, as well as the accuracy of every order shipped from the warehouse.
Buyers now have access to their order status in real-time, before the implementation, many had to wait up to 24 hours to get the full picture of the inventory.
LISA WMS is a robust solution, while simple and easy to use at the same time. It allowed us to evolve from a totally manual process to a simple, paperless and automated environment.
David Cintrón,
IT Director for SuperMax
- Food Retail
- Lack of control and visibility over inventory
- Inaccurate order-picking process causing errors in customers’ orders
- Inefficient and labor-intensive manual operations
- Lack of ERP integration
- Gained full control over their supply chain
- Improved inventory accuracy by 99%
- Increased the speed of cycle counting by 63%
- Reduced by 50% the resources required for labor-intensive tasks
- Seamless integration of the WMS and SAP Business One
- User-friendly interface
- Quick return on investment
SuperMax is a food wholesaler and retailer established in Puerto Rico since 2003. the company operates under a vertically integrated supply chain, managing a 60,000 m2 distribution center with 1,500 bin locations to supply its 16 retail stores across the country. The company sells and distributes a wide variety of quality products: from fresh vegetables to health and beauty products. Over the last 13 years, SuperMax has experienced sustainable growth, increasing its retail centers’ number from three to 16, becoming a major player in the food retail industry in Puerto Rico.
SuperMax strives to provide high-quality grocery products always at a competitive price for its customers. In order to stay competitive in a highly competitive market and meet its customers’ expectations of quality and affordable prices, the company must carefully establish its profit margin. In recent years, increase in the industry’s competitiveness and SuperMax’ growth brought the company to a point where its legacy system, JD Edwards, could not do the job anymore.
As the warehouse became busier, SuperMax’ team was experiencing the following pains:
- Inaccurate data due to manual entries and growing volume of orders
- Disorganized warehouse making order picking slow and inefficient
- Excessive labor cost for recurrent tasks like cycle counting
It gradually became obvious for the distribution center that a new warehouse management system was required to stay on top of their operations, ensure business profitability and maintain a high level of service for its retailers.
SuperMax went through a comprehensive selection process to evaluate, compare and choose a business management software to overcome their operational challenges. SuperMax decided on SAP Business One as the new ERP software, simply because it is the most powerful and complete solution available for SMBs, covering all business requirements … all but one: the supply chain management.
As a distributor, a streamlined supply chain was fundamental to improve SuperMax’ efficiency and profitability. LISA WMS happened to be the ideal solution to fill the gap. Many WMS were available on the market, but LISA WMS was truly the most powerful software; combining a comprehensive set of features to manage every aspect of a warehouse and a fully transparent integration into SAP Business One, providing a seamless and user-friendly experience to its users.
With LISA WMS, SuperMax was able to streamline inventory management and implement warehouse management best practices while ensuring accurate data and improved inventory visibility.
According to David Cintrón, IT Director of SuperMax, during the first inventory count with LISA WMS, the savings were noticeable. Prior to the implementation, Supermax’ warehouse manager had to hire an external company to take care of the cycle counting process, meaning a team of six to eight consultants searching and counting the inventory for as long as eight hours. LISA WMS cut the labor required by 50% bringing the number down to four internal employees completing the inventory in three hours, more than 60% faster than a team of eight, trained and expansive consultants.
After going through the cycle counting process, Supermax’ team was amazed to notice that, only 4 weeks after the implementation, stocks were still 100% accurate, a situation they had never experienced before. Access to reliable and precise information in real-time also had an impact on customers’ satisfaction. Besides improvements in the accuracy of their orders; SuperMax could now provide real-time information on their orders’ status and improve customer service’s quality.
Ultimately, the implementation of LISA WMS has led to a significant reduction in annual inventory costs while providing control and visibility across the entire supply chain; a robust solution to support SuperMax’ sustainable growth.
Contact us to discuss your specific business challenges or learn more about our WMS solution for SAP Business One and SAP Business ByDesign.