In Success Stories

Previously, the staff took practically seven days to do a complete inventory. Today with LISA we can do a total inventory in 24 hours and with 100% accuracy.


Pedro Reyes Velázquez
Warehouse Manager at PetStar


Recycling at his best

More and more companies are realizing the benefits of closing the supply chain loop to reduce cost and their dependence on raw materials. Alternatively, some businesses specialize in developing sustainable solutions to make the world a cleaner, better place. PetStar, the world’s largest PET bottles (Polyethylene terephthalate) recycling facility is a great example of leadership for an efficient and sustainable circular economy.

Founded by the Coca-Cola Company and its bottling partners in Mexico, PetStar currently collects and recycles 70% of the plastic bottles sent to the market, transforming them into food-grade PET resin, which is finally used as the raw material to make brand new bottles. Processing more than 78,000 tons of PET bottles per year, and with the ambitious objective of recycling 100% of all Mexican bottles, PetStar had to expand its operations with a Warehouse Management System compatible with their SAP Business One software to keep up with the growth of the company and meet their goals.

Instant Benefits with LISA WMS

Aligned with their philosophy of excellence, PetStar chose LISA WMS for its robust inventory management features and its seamless and SAP-Certified integration with SAP Business One. The benefits were instant. PetStar was able to considerably increase efficiencies in the warehouse, gain a tremendous amount of time, and greatly reduce errors caused by manual operations. The inventory counting process, which would last at least one complete week, has been reduced to less than a single day while achieving 100% accuracy with LISA WMS.

Additionally, a bar code system was implemented at the raw material, finished goods, and maintenance spare parts levels, allowing them to track every item in real-time across their entire supply chain and to ship any part in under 5 minutes. This last part was crucial for PetStar’s strict maintenance policy to ensure operational continuity at all times and streamline their entire supply chain.

With the combination of a world-class ERP, SAP Business One, and a best-of-breed warehouse management system, LISA WMS, Petstar is equipped to fulfill its commitment to global sustainability.

Solution Highlights

  • Reached 100% inventory accuracy
  • Increased cycle counting speed by 85% (from 7 days to 24 hours!)
  • Increased efficiency and reduced errors due to barcode scanning
  • Achieved real-time tracking of all materials and spare parts across the entire supply chain
  • Aligned with their excellence philosophy and vision to always be a world-class reference


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